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Fotografija ljubaznošću Judith E. Bell (Flickr).
SuperUser čitač dpdt želi znati zašto je primio poruku e-pošte s besmislenim zaglavljem:
I recently received an email with the following title:
Zašto neke e-poruke imaju besmislene nizove znakova kao zaglavlja?
SuperUser suradnik user313114 ima odgovor za nas:
What you have is some header text encoded with a failed attempt at RFC 2047.
RFC 2047 is the standard governing the embedding of non-ASCII characters in email headers. It says that headers which do not comply (exactly) with the RFC 2047 standard should be displayed as-is rather than any decoding being attempted. So your email software is seeing the bad header and displaying it “correctly” (as required by the standard).
No mainstream software flouts RFC 2047 so badly as that, so it is probably coming from some dodgy bulk mailing software. The software is making encoded words too long (the line length limit is 76 characters), which is forbidden (RFC 2047 says “MUST NOT”).
Despite being too long, it can be decoded manually. It looks like some sort of recruiter spam:
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