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SuperUser čitač user660920 želi znati zašto dio tipkovnice upisuje pogrešne znakove:
My cat sat on my laptop and now if I type either L or P, it inputs 3 or an asterisk (*) instead, but the rest of my keyboard still works correctly. The problem is bad enough that I had to use my laptop’s touch screen keyboard to type this. How can I restore the correct default behavior of my keyboard?
Zašto je dio tipkovnice tipiziran pogrešnim znakovima?
SuperUser suradnici Aibobot, Rizal Pahlevi i plugwash imaju odgovor za nas. Prvo, Aibobot:
That is the standard “ten keyless” Number Lock key layout found on many computers.
To turn off the Number Lock on my Lenovo, it is Fn + F10, but the key combination may vary based on the manufacturer.
Slijedi Rizal Pahlevi:
You need to turn off Number Lock and it will work as expected again. On my ASUS laptop, the key combination is Fn + Insert.
S našim konačnim odgovorom iz čepića:
If I recall correctly, on at least some laptops it shares more than just the name. If you plug in an external keyboard and press the Num Lock key on it, then the function of the keys on the laptop’s keyboard changes from regular letter keys to the “embedded number pad” keys.
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Slika kredita: Masaru Kamikura (Flickr)