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Znatiželjni SuperUser čitač User1301428 htio je znati zašto diskovi ne dobivaju brže. Piše:
I was thinking about the fact that in the last years I have never seen CDs and DVDs supporting writing/reading speeds higher than 52X and 16X, respectively.
Is this a commercial choice (i.e. manufacturers don’t care about optical discs anymore and focus more on flash memories and SSD drives) or a technical limitation (i.e. optical drives cannot support higher writing and reading speeds)?
Pa, što je to? Jesu li takvi pogoni nepraktični na tržištu ili nepraktični za izgradnju?
Superonic korisnik PhonicUK nudi sljedeće objašnjenje:
To je uglavnom tehničko ograničenje. Jednostavno rečeno, ako okrenete disk prebrzo, ona počinje postati nestabilna i zapljuskiva se ili se čak počinje raspadati pod jakim stresom. U najboljem slučaju to znači pogreške čitanja / pisanja - a što je još gore, mogućnost da se izgubi i uzrokuje štetu.
Pri brzini od 52x, disk se vrti oko 24000 o / min - na oko 27000 o / min disk će početi ispucati.
Dan Neely nas podsjeća da su pokušaji probiti barijeru brzine:
About a decade ago there were CD drives that used multiple laser beams to read 7 tracks at once for higher performance without having to spin the disk extremely fast. However they were expensive and apparently had reliability problems as well.
It’s also worth noting that it isn’t just a question of structural integrity of the disk at high RPMs, but also of noise.
Konačno, Ramhound ističe da je naravno moguće, ali da se nikada neće dogoditi zahvaljujući nastupu Blu-ray-a:
They could modify the disk in theory to suppor higher RPMs the problem of course is that they would create a new standard for a media that is slowly being discontinued. The simple fact is Blu-ray is the future, and most of the manufactures know that, so why waste money making a CD or DVD support faster burn times. You can already burn a double layer DVD in a few minutes.
Izgleda da ćemo samo morati biti sretni što će spaliti naše DL-DVD-ove u samo nekoliko minuta.
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