Da li se Windows još uvijek oslanja na MS-DOS?


Da li se Windows još uvijek oslanja na MS-DOS?
Da li se Windows još uvijek oslanja na MS-DOS?

Video: Da li se Windows još uvijek oslanja na MS-DOS?

Video: Da li se Windows još uvijek oslanja na MS-DOS?
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Jednom davno Windows je bio Windows oblačenje za DOS, ali je li Windows još uvijek ovisan o arhitekturi DOS-a za svakodnevne operacije? Pročitajte dalje dok istražujemo.
Jednom davno Windows je bio Windows oblačenje za DOS, ali je li Windows još uvijek ovisan o arhitekturi DOS-a za svakodnevne operacije? Pročitajte dalje dok istražujemo.

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Čitač SuperUser Rrazd je znatiželjan o povijesti DOS-a i načinu na koji to interakcionira s trenutnim iteracijama sustava Windows:

I am just about to start an OS course and as an Apple user I am not very familiar with the underlying details of Windows OS. I was wondering, is MS DOS still used with Windows running on top or is ONLY Windows used now as the OS? I was a little confused because I read somewhere that MS-DOS is used for booting but Windows has all other OS capabilities built into it and thus is used for all other OS operations…

Koliko je uloga, ako ga ima, MS-DOS u sustavu Windows danas?


SuperUser suradnik JdeBP skočio je s vrlo detaljnim i teško dokumentiranim odgovorom:

There are two distinct lineages when it comes to Microsoft Windows, and it doesn’t help things when people write things about one lineage that they have learned about the other.

  • The DOS+Windows lineage comprises DOS+Windows all versions up to version 3.11, DOS+Windows 95, DOS+Windows 98, and DOS+Windows Millennium Edition. It has Windows layered on top of DOS. Entire books have been written on the subject of this layering, and it is the subject of some contention, not least because a lot of people for a fair while in the early to middle 1990s wanted the world to believe that DOS was gone and Windows was the operating system.This is the DOS+Windows bootstrap process.
  • The Windows NT lineage comprises Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0 (“Windows 2000”), Windows NT 5.1 (“Windows XP”), Windows NT 5.2 (some editions of Windows XP and “Windows Server 2003”), Windows NT 6.0 (“Windows Vista”), and Windows NT 6.1 (“Windows 7”). It is not layered on top of DOS, works in a completely different way to DOS, and can run DOS applications by dint of an NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) which is a virtual machine that runs on top of Windows NT rather than the other way around.This is the Windows NT 6.x bootstrap process.

What also doesn’t help is when people mistakenly talk of a “DOS prompt” in Windows NT, as has even happened in answers here. Aside from the fact that it is command interpreters that prompt, not operating systems, this conflates “DOS” with “textual user interface” and “command interpreter”, neither of which are in actuality synonymous with DOS. DOS is a family of operating systems: MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, FreeDOS, OpenDOS, et cetera.

If one has a command prompt window open on Windows NT then one is almost always running


što je Microsoft zadani tumač naredbe isporučen u kutiji i koji je običan, tekstualno korisničko sučelje, Win32 program. Nema "DOS", niti NTVDM. Postoji samo program Win32 koji razgovara sa svojim objektom konzole Win32. I u stvari za mnoge TUI programe koji se mogu izvoditi na Windows NT, uključujući sve alate u Microsoftovim raznim resursima, postojijoš bez ikakva zvuka DOS-a bilo gdje na slici, jer to su obični Win32 programi koji izvode Win32 konzolu I / O.

Ironično, s obzirom na to da je Windows NT 3.1 objavljen 1993. godine, linija sustava Windows NTzapravo jest ne-based-on-DOS sustav Windows-je-operativni sustav koji svi ljudi sredinom 1990-ih pokušavali su uvjeriti svijet da je DOS + Windows 95 bio.

I osamnaest godina kasnije, još uvijek pokušavamo prepoznati neke ljude da Windows NT ne funkcionira kao DOS i nikada nije. ☺

Daljnje čitanje

  • Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (2006).Popis knjiga za programere kernela operativnog sustava i pisače upravljačkih programa uređaja, Često dani odgovori.
  • Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu (2009).Windows Internals (5. izdanje). Microsoft Press. ISBN 9780735625303.
  • Walter Oney (1996).Programiranje sustava za Windows 95, Microsoft Press. ISBN 1 55615 949 8.
  • Matt Pietrek (studeni 1995).Windows 95 sustav za programiranje tajne, IDG knjige. ISBN 1-56884-318-6.
  • Andrew Schulman (1994).Neovlašteno Windows 95, IDG knjige širom svijeta. ISBN 9781568841694.
  • Matt Pietrek (1993).Prozori sustava Windows: implementacija operativnog okruženja sustava Windows, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 9780201622171.
  • Andrew Schulman, David Maxey, Matt Pietrek (1992).Nepokumentirano Windows: Vodič programera za rezervirane Microsoft Windows Api funkcije, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 9780201608342.

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