AV-Test je testiran na 23 plaćeni i besplatni sigurnosni softver na sustavu Windows Vista i objavio rezultate. Sigurnosni softver ocijenjen je u području zaštite, popravka i upotrebe.
During the 4th quarter of 2010 we have tested 23 security products in the areas protection, repair and usability.
The “Protection” covers static and dynamic malware detection, including real-world 0-Day attack testing.
In case of “Repair”, we check the system disinfection and rootkit removal in detail.
The “Usability” testing includes the system slow-down caused by the tools and the number of false positives.
A product has to reach at least 12 out of 18 possible points in order to receive a certification. 18 products have fulfilled our requirements and received an AV-Test certificate.
BitDefender Internet Security Suite 2011 dobio je vrhunske rezultate na popisu Zaštita, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 primio je vrhunske rezultate na popisu popravaka, a F-Secure Internet Security 2011 primio je vrhunske rezultate u popisu upotrebljivosti.
Međutim F-Secure Internet Security 2011 uspjeli su dobiti najveći rezultat u odnosu na ukupno 3 parametra.
Ovdje je popis 5 najboljih sigurnosnih softvera prema njima rangiran po njihovoj ocjeni zaštite:
- BitDefender: Internet Security Suite 2011
- BullGuard: Internet Security 10.0
- Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
- Panda: Internet Sigurnost 2011
- F-Secure: Internet Sigurnost 2011
Microsoft Security Essentials također je prošao i dobio ovu certifikaciju AV-Test.
Izvješća o ispitivanju mogu se naći ovdje.
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