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Čitač SuperUser Ethree piše:
Check this image out:
Try clicking the image and moving it around, you will notice the apple appears.
I guess my question will be, “why does this happen?”
Zašto doista? Vidjeli smo to kao kruška u Chromeu i, svakako, kada smo je spremili u našu mapu za preuzimanje, ona se prikazuje kao jabuka.
SuperUser suradnik Matthew nudi uvid u optičku iluziju:
The “white” pixels in the apple picture contain the picture of a pear, stored at a much higher intensity, i.e. very bright.
When displayed with gamma correction, the viewer sees a colour-corrected pear with “black” pixels which are actually the apple rendered at a much lower gamma value.
Browsers which display the pear are showing the image using the gamma information provided in it, while browsers which display the apple are not using this gamma information.
Drugim riječima, Chrome poštuje vrijednost korekcije gama i Internet Explorer nije.
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