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Čitač SuperUser Yoyoyoyosef spreman je priključiti svoju garažu putem Etherneta, ali ima nekoliko pitanja:
I’m trying to extend my network to an unconnected garage that’s about 20 yards away from my house. What’s the best way to do this?
1. Is there special outdoor-rated cat5e/cat6 I should use? 2. If put it in a dug trench, do I need to put it in conduit? 3. If I run parallel to electric, how much separation do I need, and do I go UTP or STP? 4. If I do an overhead run, how should I properly ground it against lightning?
Najbolji način izbjegavanja kasnijih nesreća (ili velike tragedije) je postavljanje dobrih pitanja prije početka projekta; ovdje je dobar početak.
Superweaver suradnik Jweede nudi neke savjete:
Yes. This article answers most of your questions.
Is there special outdoor-rated cat5e/cat6 I should use?
'Preferably, special exterior or direct burial CAT5 cables should be used for outdoor runs instead of ordinary CAT5.'
Ako ga stavim u iskop, moram ga staviti u kanal?
'Exterior-grade Ethernet cables are waterproof and thus do not require conduit.'
Ako idem paralelno s električnom, koliko odvajanja trebam, i idem li UTP ili STP?
'5-20cm (6-8 inches) and at least that far away from power lines or other sources of electrical interference.'
Ako radim nadzemnu vožnju, kako bih ga pravilno uzgredio od munje?
'Accordingly, CAT5 surge protectors should be installed as part of outdoor Ethernet networks to guard against lightning strikes.'
Još jedan suradnik, Keck, sugerira kombiniranje dviju tehnika instalacije:
In my experience, it doesn’t hurt to combine both trenched conduit and direct burial wire. Expansion is great. Direct burial alone tends to get eaten rather easily if you have any sort of rat/mole/gopher digging around. Straight conduit can leak if done improperly, but the combo is a reliable combo. If you’re concerned about dealing with conduit, flexible “liquid-tight” grey pvc tubing is “very” easy to route, but does cost a bit more than standard pvc.
Kada je u pitanju instalacija podzemnih / daljinskog kabela, svakako vrijedi dodatni novac naprijed kako bi to učinili ispravno (i izbjegavajte glavobolju povlačenja novog kabela, pričvršćivanja neuredne instalacije ili na drugi način sve kasnije).
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