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Kvačica s kopčom ruku s ljubaznošću tvrtke Clker.com.
Čitač SuperUser Joshua Dance želi saznati najbrži i najjednostavniji način za brisanje predmemorije i kolačića u pregledniku Google Chrome:
The standard way (Hamburger Icon > Tools > Clear Browsing Data > Confirm) is slow, especially when you have to clear both frequently during development. Currently, I hit F12 to bring up the Console, go to the network tab, and right click Clear Cache, then right click Clear Cookies.
I have also tried extensions such as Cache Killer, but have not found one I love.
Is there a faster way? One click for example?
Ima li bržeg i jednostavnijeg načina da obojicu obrišete i povežete Joshuaovo strujanje glatko?
Suradnici SuperUser-a Muhammed i Punchlinern imaju odgovor za nas. Prvo, Muhammed:
I am on Mac and this is the shortcut: Shift+Command+Delete.
On Windows, it is: Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
Snimak zaslona Akemija Iwaya.
Slijedi odgovor tvrtke Punchlinern:
I use the Chrome extension Clear Cache. It does the same as Chrome’s own Clear Browsing Data dialogue, but you can assign a shortcut to it (or just use the extension button next to the address bar). I have mine set up to reload the page and remove any cache from the last hour by pressing Ctrl+Shft+R. It saves me a lot of time by not having to enter Chrome’s dialogue when editing a web site.
Brz i jednostavniji način ubrzavanja tijeka rada uvijek je dobra stvar. A sa današnjim odgovorima možete odabrati način koji vam najbolje odgovara prilikom brisanja predmemorije i kolačića.
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