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SuperUser čitač Sebastien želi znati kako pretraživati više vrsta datoteka u isto vrijeme u sustavu Windows 8:
I am looking for files in a particular directory that have the following extensions: .txt,.csv, and.xml. The directory has many levels of sub-directories that I would like to search through for all three file types in one go.
When I use Ctrl+F in Windows Explorer and enter extension types like *.txt;*.csv;*.xml, I watch the search bar fill up with green for a long time, but end up with no results. I know there are hundreds of these file types in the parent directory and sub-directories though.
How can I do a search like this in Windows 8 that returns results?
Postoji li jednostavan način da Sebastien istodobno traži više vrsta datoteka?
Primatelj SuperUser AppsDev ima odgovor za nas:
Open Windows Explorer and in the top right search box type *.extension. For example, to search for text files you should type *.txt.
For multiple file types use Ext:.doc OR Ext:.txt OR Ext:.pdf. Hope this helps you.
Posebna napomena: Kao što je navedeno u dodatnim komentarima u niti za raspravu, provjerite je li riječ "OR" kapitalizirana prilikom pretraživanja više vrsta datoteka.
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