Kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim povlasticama prilikom prijave korisnika u sustavu Windows?


Kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim povlasticama prilikom prijave korisnika u sustavu Windows?
Kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim povlasticama prilikom prijave korisnika u sustavu Windows?

Video: Kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim povlasticama prilikom prijave korisnika u sustavu Windows?

Video: Kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim povlasticama prilikom prijave korisnika u sustavu Windows?
Ponekad želite ili trebate program koji se automatski pokreće s povišenim povlasticama čim se prijavite u sustav Windows, ali kako postaviti ovako nešto? Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima korisne savjete za frustriranog čitatelja.
Ponekad želite ili trebate program koji se automatski pokreće s povišenim povlasticama čim se prijavite u sustav Windows, ali kako postaviti ovako nešto? Današnji SuperUser Q & A post ima korisne savjete za frustriranog čitatelja.

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Slika zaslona Acid Pix (Flickr).


SuperUser čitač Frederick Zhang želi znati kako automatski pokrenuti program s administratorskim ovlastima nakon prijave korisnika:

I am using Windows 8.1 (64-bit) and I would like to automatically run a program with administrator privileges upon user login.

I tried to make a shortcut of the program and ticked the run as administrator check box in the properties of the program shortcut itself, then tried placing the shortcut in the two locations shown below, but ticking the box just made it invalid.

  • C:UsersMyUserAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
  • C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartUp

Then I edited the program using Resource Hacker to modify its manifest so that administrator privileges were required to run this program. This also made shortcuts under start up directories invalid. After that, I tried to add the program to the following location as well, but it did not work, either.


How can I automatically run a program with administrator privileges on user login?

Kako biste automatski pokrenuli program s administratorskim ovlastima nakon prijave korisnika?


Suradnik SuperUser Syberdoor ima odgovor za nas:

The best way to do this (and the only simple way if you not only want this to run with administrator privileges, but also without UAC prompts) is by creating a scheduled task. With a scheduled task, you can specify which user you want to run it under and that it should run with the highest privileges.

This is probably what you really want because the check box button run as administrator in shortcut properties does trigger UAC prompts rather than really using an administrative user. If you also specify a trigger as on user logon, it should have the same effect as using the startup or run key.

Alternatively, you can use run as with the save credentials option to store the password of another user once and have it cached forever, but it does not work around UAC prompts as far as I know.

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