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Čitač SuperUser Brettetete želi znati zašto moderni slučajevi računala još uvijek imaju USB 2.0 priključke:
I am currently planning out the setup for a new computer. As I was browsing through computer cases online, I realized that modern computer cases always seem to have USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports built into the front panel.
Is there a legitimate reason to have or use USB 2.0 ports on modern computer cases? As far as I know, USB 3.0 has backward compatibility. This screenshot is a perfect example of a computer case with both types of USB ports built into it (from YouTube):
Zašto moderni slučajevi računala još uvijek imaju USB 2.0 priključke?
Naši su partneri Kamer Minkov, Patrick Bell i "izvorni mikrofon zapadni" dobili odgovor. Prvo, Kamen Minkov:
USB 3.0 does have backwards compatibility, but if you happen to buy a motherboard that does not have a USB 3.0 header connection, you are left without any front panel USB ports at all. That is one possible explanation.
Slijedi odgovor Patrick Bell:
Nobody has mentioned this yet, but USB 3.0 ports can cause issues with certain installation media (like Windows 7, for example) where only USB 2.0 drivers are provided on the installation media.
I naš konačni odgovor od "izvornog mikrofona zapadnog":
USB 2.0 ports are handy for keyboards, mouse controllers, and other non-drive uses. Because these devices do not need the speedy throughput, a keyboard or mouse connected to a USB 3.0 port would be a waste of the resource.
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Slikovni kredit: budite tihi! Tiho prijedlog 600 slučaja (YouTube)