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SuperUser čitač Will Simmons želi znati što značenje naziva Windows mapa s hex brojevima u njima je:
When doing a backup of my Windows hard drive, I noticed that some folder names had strings of seemingly random numbers in them. For example, {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. Do those random numbers mean something special in Windows? What is the purpose of these folders?
Koja je značajka naziva mapa sustava Windows s heksadecimalnim brojevima u njima?
SuperUser suradnik BlueRaja (Danny Pflughoeft) ima odgovor za nas:
Others have mentioned that {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} is a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier), which is true, but does not answer the question.
If you create a folder with the name and format FolderName.{SomeGUID}, Windows will treat the folder as a shortcut and search for the GUID as a CLSID (Class Identifier) within the Windows registry. Microsoft calls these folders Junction Points.
A CLSID Entry (Source)
The God Mode Shortcut (Source)
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